
April 28, 2021

To: Finch Golf Course, Sports Turf and Fine Turf Maintenance Customers
From: Ray Finch, CEO of Finch Services/Finch Turf

We would like to inform you of the exciting developments taking place within the Finch organization. Finch Services has entered into an agreement to sell our Agricultural, Homeowner, and Compact Construction Equipment divisions in Maryland and Pennsylvania to Atlantic Tractor. This acquisition means Finch Services/Finch Turf is now the largest dedicated John Deere Golf organization in North America.

In 1987, Finch Services began serving the Golf Course, Sports Turf, and fine turf maintenance customers in the Mid Atlantic region. In 2016 we expanded into New York with the acquisition of Cazenovia Equipment’s Golf division, and in 2017 we expanded into New England with the acquisition of LaCorte Equipment. Over that time we have solidified our reputation in the Industry as a trusted partner, committed to the success of our customers while providing an unmatched level of customer support.

The rationalization of our Ag and Turf/Homeowner contracts allows us to focus completely on what has been our primary customer base for many years now. As our golf course & sports turf customers, you will likely notice nothing different during this transition period as far as the level of service you receive from all aspects of our business – sales, parts & service.

We are working hard to ensure a seamless transition for all involved and expect closing to take place on or around June 1st. This step forward has been long anticipated by both the Finch family and John Deere as it ensures a successful and sustainable future for our customers, employees and stakeholders.

The Finch family and our family of coworkers sincerely thank you for your past business and look forward to enhancing our service to you as a dedicated John Deere Golf & Sports Turf organization.

Ray Finch
CEO Finch Turf